1) Approximately how many people are supporting OFF?
That's difficult to ascertain. We have received over one thousand letters over the two months we have been in existence, but this number does not include inquiries from other Trekkers who write in the newsgroups, on various bulletin boards, etc. We would say our online supporters number from 3000 to 5000. If we are succesful in contacting as many scifi fanclubs as possible however, that number will most likely increase by a factor of ten.
2) Are OFF's supporters local to the United States?
Nearly 80 percent of our supporters are from the United States.
3) How many web sites currently support OFF's cause?
More than 800 that we know of.
4) Is there a deadline for a response from Paramount/Viacom (PV) before OFF calls for a boycott?
No. Boycotts are not part of our strategy at the moment. We will only employ boycotts if PV refuses to listen to our requests.
5) Does OFF plan demonstrations at PV headquarters? If so, when?
There are no demonstrations planned for the near future.
6) Has anyone contacted PV seeking some type of concession allowing the use of copyrighted materials on the Web with proper citation given to all PV properties?
Yes, several individual attempts have been made to contact PV and their only response was the open letter. We believe that by combining our efforts with those of unafilliated protestors, P/V will be compelled to listen to our grievances.
7) Why has PV's letter not alleviated OFF's fear that PV's actions are not an assault on all non-official trek sites?
Because their letter did not directly address the *true* issue - restriction of the accessibility of Star Trek on the World Wide Web. Our primary concern here is not the copyright issue, and PV knows that. We will pursue this until they propose an agreement that will serve to protect both their interests, and those of the Star Trek webmasters.
8) OFF apparently believes PV has an ulterior motive - what do you think it is?
The Star Trek Continuum on MSN(Microsoft Network). When they realized they weren't attracting enough paying users, they decided to kill the competition. MSN users who visited the Continuum have told us it is not worth the money.
9) How do OFF's supporters contact one another?
We have a world-wide mailing list where subscribed members of OFF coordinate the group's activities and plan the protest step-by-step. All persons interested in supporting the defense of Online Freedoms should visit the OFF website at http://www.off-hq.org